WT. |
<b>Amulet of Natural Armor +1</b>
Bolts, Crossbow (10)
Club (Small)
Crossbow (Light/Small)
WT. |
<b>Ring of Protection +1</b>
Spell Component Pouch
Spellbook (Wizard's/Blank)
10.5 lbs. |
4059 gp |
Light |
17 |
Medium |
35 |
Heavy |
52 |
1H-P: One handed, primary hand. 1H-O: One handed, off hand. 2H: Two handed. 2W-P-(OH): 2 weapons, primary hand (off hand weapon is heavy). 2W-P-(OL): 2 weapons, primary hand (off hand weapon is light). 2W-OH:2 weapons, off hand. |
Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome
Club, Crossbow (Heavy), Crossbow (Light), Dagger, Gauntlet, Grapple, Quarterstaff, Spells(Ray), Unarmed Strike
+4 Dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against illusions
Speak with Animals (burrowing mammal only, duration 1 minute)
+2 bonus to Spellcraft when learning Illusion
Summon Familiar
Combat Casting |
You get a +4 bonus on Concentration checks made to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability while on the defensive or while you are grappling or pinned. |
Eschew Materials |
You can cast any spell that has a material component costing 1 gp or less without needing that component. |
Scribe Scroll |
You can create a scroll of any spell that you know. |
Acid Splash
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (35 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Conjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Orb deals 1d3 acid damage.
Source: SpellsA-B.rtf
Target Area: One missile of acid
Caster Level: 4
Arcane Mark
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Permanent
Rng: 0 ft.
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Universal
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Inscribes a personal rune [visible or invisible].
Source: SpellsA-B.rtf
Target Area: One personal rune or mark, all of which must fit within 1 sq. ft.
Caster Level: 4
Dancing Lights
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 minute [D]
Rng: Medium (110 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Evocation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Creates torches or other lights.
Source: SpellsD-E.rtf
Target Area: Up to four lights, all within a 10- ft.-radius area
Caster Level: 1
Detect Magic
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Concentration, up to 4 minutes [D]
Rng: 60 ft.
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Divination
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Source: SpellsD-E.rtf
Target Area: Cone-shaped emanation
Caster Level: 4
Detect Poison
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (35 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Divination
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Detects poison in one creature or small object.
Source: SpellsD-E.rtf
Target Area: One creature, one object, or a 5-ft. cube
Caster Level: 4
DC: 14
Save: Fortitude negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (35 ft.)
Comp: V
SR: Yes
School: Evocation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Dazzles one creature [-1 on attack rolls].
Source: SpellsF-G.rtf
Target Area: Burst of light
Caster Level: 4
* Ghost Sound
DC: 15
Save: Will disbelief (if interacted with)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 rounds [D]
Rng: Close (25 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: No
School: Illusion
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Figment sounds.
Source: SpellsF-G.rtf
Target Area: Illusory sounds
Caster Level: 1
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 40 minutes [D]
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, M/DF
SR: No
School: Evocation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Object shines like a torch.
Source: SpellsH-L.rtf
Target Area: Object touched
Caster Level: 4
Mage Hand
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Concentration
Rng: Close (35 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: 5-pound telekinesis.
Source: SpellsM-O.rtf
Target Area: One nonmagical, unattended object weighing up to 5 lb.
Caster Level: 4
DC: 14
Save: Will negates (harmless, object)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: 10 ft.
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (harmless, object)
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Source: SpellsM-O.rtf
Target Area: One object of up to 1 lb.
Caster Level: 4
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 40 minutes
Rng: Medium (140 ft.)
Comp: V, S, F
SR: No
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Whispered conversation at distance.
Source: SpellsM-O.rtf
Target Area: 4 creatures
Caster Level: 4
DC: 14
Save: Will negates (object)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (35 ft.)
Comp: V, S, F
SR: Yes (object)
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Opens or closes small or light things.
Source: SpellsM-O.rtf
Target Area: Object weighing up to 30 lb. or portal that can be opened or closed
Caster Level: 4
DC: 14
Save: See text
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 hour
Rng: 10 ft.
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Universal
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Performs minor tricks.
Source: SpellsP-R.rtf
Target Area: See text
Caster Level: 1
Ray of Frost
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (35 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Evocation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Ray deals 1d3 cold damage.
Source: SpellsP-R.rtf
Target Area: Ray
Caster Level: 4
Read Magic
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 40 minutes
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, F
SR: No
School: Divination
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Source: SpellsP-R.rtf
Target Area: You
Caster Level: 4
DC: 14
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 minute
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, M/DF
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Abjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Source: SpellsP-R.rtf
Target Area: Creature touched
Caster Level: 4
Burning Hands
DC: 15
Save: Reflex half
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: 15 ft.
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Evocation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: 4d4 fire damage
Source: SpellsA-B.rtf
Target Area: Cone-shaped burst
Caster Level: 4
* Color Spray
DC: 16
Save: Will negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous; see text
Rng: 15 ft.
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes
School: Illusion
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Knocks unconscious, blinds, and/or stuns 1d6 weak creatures.
Source: SpellsC.rtf
Target Area: Cone-shaped burst
Caster Level: 4
Expeditious Retreat
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 4 minutes [D]
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Your speed increases by 30 ft.
Source: SpellsD-E.rtf
Target Area: You
Caster Level: 4
Mage Armor
DC: 15
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 4 hours [D]
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, F
SR: No
School: Conjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
Source: SpellsM-O.rtf
Target Area: Creature touched
Caster Level: 4
Magic Missile
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Medium (140 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Evocation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: 2 missiles that do 1d4+1 damage each.
Source: SpellsM-O.rtf
Target Area: Up to five creatures, no two of which can be more than 15 ft. apart
Caster Level: 4
Protection from Evil
DC: 15
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 4 minutes [D]
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, M/DF
SR: No; see text
School: Abjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.
Source: SpellsP-R.rtf
Target Area: Creature touched
Caster Level: 4
Shocking Grasp
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Evocation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Touch delivers 4d6 electricity damage.
Source: SpellsS.rtf
Target Area: Creature or object touched
Caster Level: 4
* Ventriloquism
DC: 16
Save: Will disbelief (if interacted with)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 4 minutes [D]
Rng: Close (35 ft.)
Comp: V, F
SR: No
School: Illusion
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Throws voice for 4 minutes.
Source: SpellsT-Z.rtf
Target Area: Intelligible sound, usually speech
Caster Level: 4
Acid Arrow
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 2 rounds
Rng: Long (560 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M, F
SR: No
School: Conjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Ranged touch attack; 2d4 damage for 2 rounds.
Source: SpellsA-B.rtf
Target Area: One arrow of acid
Caster Level: 4
* Invisibility
DC: 17
Save: Will negates (harmless) or Will negates (harmless, object)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 4 minutes [D]
Rng: Personal or touch
Comp: V, S, M/DF
SR: Yes (harmless) or Yes (harmless, object)
School: Illusion
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Subject is invisible for 4 minutes or until it attacks.
Source: SpellsH-L.rtf
Target Area: You or a creature or object weighing no more than 400 lbs
Caster Level: 4
* Mirror Image
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 4 minutes [D]
Rng: Personal; see text
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Illusion
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Creates decoy duplicates of you [1d4 +1, max 8].
Source: SpellsM-O.rtf
Target Area: You
Caster Level: 4
Scorching Ray
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (35 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Evocation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: 1 rays, ranged touch attack deals 4d6 fire damage.
Source: SpellsS.rtf
Target Area: 1 rays
Caster Level: 4
* = Domain/Specialty Spell |