Ranger Spells | |||||
LEVEL | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
KNOWN | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
PER DAY | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LEVEL 1 | |||||||||
Alarm |
Save: None |
Time: 1 standard action |
Duration: 4 hours [D] |
Rng: Close (30 ft.) |
Comp: V, S, F/DF |
SR: No |
School: Abjuration |
☐☐☐ | |
Effect: Wards an area for 4 hours. |
Source: SpellsA-B.rtf |
Target Area: 20-ft.-radius emanation centered on a point in space |
Caster Level: 2 |
Animal Messenger |
Save: None; see text |
Time: 1 standard action |
Duration: 2 days |
Rng: Close (30 ft.) |
Comp: V, S, M |
SR: Yes |
School: Enchantment |
☐☐☐ | |
Effect: Sends a Tiny animal to a specific place. |
Source: SpellsA-B.rtf |
Target Area: One Tiny animal |
Caster Level: 2 |
Calm Animals |
DC: 13 |
Save: Will negates; see text |
Time: 1 standard action |
Duration: 2 minutes |
Rng: Close (30 ft.) |
Comp: V, S |
SR: Yes |
School: Enchantment |
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Calms 2d4 + 2 HD of animals. |
Source: SpellsC.rtf |
Target Area: Animals within 30 ft. of each other |
Caster Level: 2 |
Charm Animal |
DC: 13 |
Save: Will negates |
Time: 1 standard action |
Duration: 2 hours |
Rng: Close (30 ft.) |
Comp: V, S |
SR: Yes |
School: Enchantment |
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Makes one animal your friend. |
Source: SpellsC.rtf |
Target Area: One animal |
Caster Level: 2 |
Delay Poison |
DC: 13 |
Save: Fortitude negates (harmless) |
Time: 1 standard action |
Duration: 2 hours |
Rng: Touch |
Comp: V, S, DF |
SR: Yes (harmless) |
School: Conjuration |
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Stops poison from harming subject for 2 hours. |
Source: SpellsD-E.rtf |
Target Area: Creature touched |
Caster Level: 2 |
Detect Animals or Plants |
Save: None |
Time: 1 standard action |
Duration: Concentration, up to 20 minutes [D] |
Rng: Long (480 ft.) |
Comp: V, S |
SR: No |
School: Divination |
☐☐☐ | |
Effect: Detects kinds of animals or plants. |
Source: SpellsD-E.rtf |
Target Area: Cone-shaped emanation |
Caster Level: 2 |
Detect Poison |
Save: None |
Time: 1 standard action |
Duration: Instantaneous |
Rng: Close (30 ft.) |
Comp: V, S |
SR: No |
School: Divination |
☐☐☐ | |
Effect: Detects poison in one creature or small object. |
Source: SpellsD-E.rtf |
Target Area: One creature, one object, or a 5-ft. cube |
Caster Level: 2 |
Detect Snares and Pits |
Save: None |
Time: 1 standard action |
Duration: Concentration, up to 20 minutes [D] |
Rng: 60 ft. |
Comp: V, S |
SR: No |
School: Divination |
☐☐☐ | |
Effect: Reveals natural or primitive traps. |
Source: SpellsD-E.rtf |
Target Area: Cone-shaped emanation |
Caster Level: 2 |
Endure Elements |
DC: 13 |
Save: Will negates (harmless) |
Time: 1 standard action |
Duration: 24 hours |
Rng: Touch |
Comp: V, S |
SR: Yes (harmless) |
School: Abjuration |
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments. |
Source: SpellsD-E.rtf |
Target Area: Creature touched |
Caster Level: 2 |
Entangle |
DC: 13 |
Save: Reflex partial; see text |
Time: 1 standard action |
Duration: 2 minutes [D] |
Rng: Long (480 ft.) |
Comp: V, S, DF |
SR: No |
School: Transmutation |
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Plants entangle everyone in 40-ft.-radius circle. |
Source: SpellsD-E.rtf |
Target Area: Plants in a 40-ft.-radius spread |
Caster Level: 2 |
Hide from Animals |
DC: 13 |
Save: Will negates (harmless) |
Time: 1 standard action |
Duration: 20 minutes [D] |
Rng: Touch |
Comp: S, DF |
SR: Yes |
School: Abjuration |
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Animals can't perceive 2 subjects. |
Source: SpellsH-L.rtf |
Target Area: 2 creatures touched |
Caster Level: 2 |
Jump |
DC: 13 |
Save: Will negates (harmless) |
Time: 1 standard action |
Duration: 2 minutes [D] |
Rng: Touch |
Comp: V, S, M |
SR: Yes |
School: Transmutation |
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Subject gets +[10*[floor1,3]] enhancement bonus on Jump checks. |
Source: SpellsH-L.rtf |
Target Area: Creature touched |
Caster Level: 2 |
Longstrider |
Save: None |
Time: 1 standard action |
Duration: 2 hours [D] |
Rng: Personal |
Comp: V, S, M |
SR: No |
School: Transmutation |
☐☐☐ | |
Effect: Increases your speed. |
Source: SpellsH-L.rtf |
Target Area: You |
Caster Level: 2 |
Magic Fang |
DC: 13 |
Save: Will negates (harmless) |
Time: 1 standard action |
Duration: 2 minutes |
Rng: Touch |
Comp: V, S, DF |
SR: Yes (harmless) |
School: Transmutation |
☐☐☐ |
Effect: One natural weapon of subject creature gets +1 on attack and damage rolls. |
Source: SpellsM-O.rtf |
Target Area: Living creature touched |
Caster Level: 2 |
Pass without Trace |
DC: 13 |
Save: Will negates (harmless) |
Time: 1 standard action |
Duration: 2 hours [D] |
Rng: Touch |
Comp: V, S, DF |
SR: Yes (harmless) |
School: Transmutation |
☐☐☐ |
Effect: 2 subjects leaves no tracks. |
Source: SpellsP-R.rtf |
Target Area: 2 creatures touched |
Caster Level: 2 |
Read Magic |
Save: None |
Time: 1 standard action |
Duration: 20 minutes |
Rng: Personal |
Comp: V, S, F |
SR: No |
School: Divination |
☐☐☐ | |
Effect: Read scrolls and spellbooks. |
Source: SpellsP-R.rtf |
Target Area: You |
Caster Level: 2 |
Resist Energy |
DC: 13 |
Save: Fortitude negates (harmless) |
Time: 1 standard action |
Duration: 20 minutes |
Rng: Touch |
Comp: V, S, DF |
SR: Yes (harmless) |
School: Abjuration |
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Ignores first 0 points of damage/attack from specified energy type. |
Source: SpellsP-R.rtf |
Target Area: Creature touched |
Caster Level: 2 |
Speak with Animals |
Save: None |
Time: 1 standard action |
Duration: 2 minutes |
Rng: Personal |
Comp: V, S |
SR: No |
School: Divination |
☐☐☐ | |
Effect: You can communicate with animals. |
Source: SpellsS.rtf |
Target Area: You |
Caster Level: 2 |
Summon Nature's Ally I |
Save: None |
Time: 1 round |
Duration: 2 rounds [D] |
Rng: Close (30 ft.) |
Comp: V, S, DF |
SR: No |
School: Conjuration |
☐☐☐ | |
Effect: Calls creature to fight. |
Source: SpellsS.rtf |
Target Area: One summoned creature |
Caster Level: 2 |
* = Domain/Specialty Spell |
Prepared Spells | ||||||||||
Ranger | ||||||||||
* = Domain/Specialty Spell |