WT. |
Arrows (20)
Outfit (Explorer's)
<b>Rapier +1</b>
<b>Ring of Protection +1</b>
WT. |
Spellbook (Wizard's/Blank)
Thieves' Tools
11 lbs. |
4396 gp |
Light |
76 |
Medium |
153 |
Heavy |
230 |
1H-P: One handed, primary hand. 1H-O: One handed, off hand. 2H: Two handed. 2W-P-(OH): 2 weapons, primary hand (off hand weapon is heavy). 2W-P-(OL): 2 weapons, primary hand (off hand weapon is light). 2W-OH:2 weapons, off hand. |
Common, Dwarven, Elven, Sylvan
Club, Crossbow (Hand), Crossbow (Heavy), Crossbow (Light), Dagger, Dagger (Punching), Dart, Gauntlet, Gauntlet (Spiked), Grapple, Javelin, Longspear, Mace (Heavy), Mace (Light), Morningstar, Quarterstaff, Rapier, Sap, Shortbow, Shortspear, Sickle, Sling, Spear, Spells(Ray), Sword (Short), Unarmed Strike
Sneak Attack
+1d6 |
If subjected to an attack that allows a Reflex save for half damage, you take no damage on a successful save. |
Summon Familiar
Armor Proficiency (Light) |
When you wear a type of armor with which you are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble checks. |
Combat Casting |
You get a +4 bonus on Concentration checks made to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability while on the defensive or while you are grappling or pinned. |
Dodge |
During your action, you designate an opponent and receive a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks from that opponent. |
Eschew Materials |
You can cast any spell that has a material component costing 1 gp or less without needing that component. |
Scribe Scroll |
You can create a scroll of any spell that you know. |
Simple Weapon Proficiency |
You make attack rolls with simple weapons normally. |
Acid Splash
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Conjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Orb deals 1d3 acid damage.
Source: SpellsA-B.rtf
Target Area: One missile of acid
Caster Level: 2
Arcane Mark
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Permanent
Rng: 0 ft.
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Universal
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Inscribes a personal rune [visible or invisible].
Source: SpellsA-B.rtf
Target Area: One personal rune or mark, all of which must fit within 1 sq. ft.
Caster Level: 2
Dancing Lights
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 2 minute [D]
Rng: Medium (120 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Evocation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Creates torches or other lights.
Source: SpellsD-E.rtf
Target Area: Up to four lights, all within a 10- ft.-radius area
Caster Level: 2
DC: 14
Save: Will negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 round
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes
School: Enchantment
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next action.
Source: SpellsD-E.rtf
Target Area: One humanoid creature of 4 HD or less
Caster Level: 2
Detect Magic
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Concentration, up to 2 minutes [D]
Rng: 60 ft.
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Divination
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Source: SpellsD-E.rtf
Target Area: Cone-shaped emanation
Caster Level: 2
Detect Poison
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Divination
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Detects poison in one creature or small object.
Source: SpellsD-E.rtf
Target Area: One creature, one object, or a 5-ft. cube
Caster Level: 2
Disrupt Undead
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Deals 1d6 damage to one undead.
Source: SpellsD-E.rtf
Target Area: Ray
Caster Level: 2
DC: 14
Save: Fortitude negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V
SR: Yes
School: Evocation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Dazzles one creature [-1 on attack rolls].
Source: SpellsF-G.rtf
Target Area: Burst of light
Caster Level: 2
Ghost Sound
DC: 14
Save: Will disbelief (if interacted with)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 2 rounds [D]
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S, M
SR: No
School: Illusion
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Figment sounds.
Source: SpellsF-G.rtf
Target Area: Illusory sounds
Caster Level: 2
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 20 minutes [D]
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, M/DF
SR: No
School: Evocation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Object shines like a torch.
Source: SpellsH-L.rtf
Target Area: Object touched
Caster Level: 2
Mage Hand
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Concentration
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: 5-pound telekinesis.
Source: SpellsM-O.rtf
Target Area: One nonmagical, unattended object weighing up to 5 lb.
Caster Level: 2
DC: 14
Save: Will negates (harmless, object)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: 10 ft.
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes (harmless, object)
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Source: SpellsM-O.rtf
Target Area: One object of up to 1 lb.
Caster Level: 2
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 20 minutes
Rng: Medium (120 ft.)
Comp: V, S, F
SR: No
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Whispered conversation at distance.
Source: SpellsM-O.rtf
Target Area: 2 creatures
Caster Level: 2
DC: 14
Save: Will negates (object)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S, F
SR: Yes (object)
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Opens or closes small or light things.
Source: SpellsM-O.rtf
Target Area: Object weighing up to 30 lb. or portal that can be opened or closed
Caster Level: 2
DC: 14
Save: See text
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 hour
Rng: 10 ft.
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Universal
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Performs minor tricks.
Source: SpellsP-R.rtf
Target Area: See text
Caster Level: 2
Ray of Frost
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Evocation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Ray deals 1d3 cold damage.
Source: SpellsP-R.rtf
Target Area: Ray
Caster Level: 2
Read Magic
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 20 minutes
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S, F
SR: No
School: Divination
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Source: SpellsP-R.rtf
Target Area: You
Caster Level: 2
DC: 14
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 minute
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, M/DF
SR: Yes (harmless)
School: Abjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Source: SpellsP-R.rtf
Target Area: Creature touched
Caster Level: 2
Touch of Fatigue
DC: 14
Save: Fortitude negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 2 rounds
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, M
SR: Yes
School: Necromancy
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Touch attack fatigues target.
Source: SpellsT-Z.rtf
Target Area: Creature touched
Caster Level: 2
Burning Hands
DC: 15
Save: Reflex half
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: 15 ft.
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Evocation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: 2d4 fire damage
Source: SpellsA-B.rtf
Target Area: Cone-shaped burst
Caster Level: 2
Charm Person
DC: 15
Save: Will negates
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 2 hours
Rng: Close (30 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Enchantment
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Makes one person your friend.
Source: SpellsC.rtf
Target Area: One humanoid creature
Caster Level: 2
Expeditious Retreat
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 2 minutes [D]
Rng: Personal
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Transmutation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Your speed increases by 30 ft.
Source: SpellsD-E.rtf
Target Area: You
Caster Level: 2
Mage Armor
DC: 15
Save: Will negates (harmless)
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 2 hours [D]
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S, F
SR: No
School: Conjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
Source: SpellsM-O.rtf
Target Area: Creature touched
Caster Level: 2
Magic Missile
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Medium (120 ft.)
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Evocation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: 1 missiles that do 1d4+1 damage each.
Source: SpellsM-O.rtf
Target Area: Up to five creatures, no two of which can be more than 15 ft. apart
Caster Level: 2
Obscuring Mist
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 2 minutes
Rng: 20 ft.
Comp: V, S
SR: No
School: Conjuration
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Fog surrounds you.
Source: SpellsM-O.rtf
Target Area: Cloud spreads in 20-ft. radius from you, 20 ft. high
Caster Level: 2
Shocking Grasp
Save: None
Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Rng: Touch
Comp: V, S
SR: Yes
School: Evocation
☐☐☐ |
Effect: Touch delivers 2d6 electricity damage.
Source: SpellsS.rtf
Target Area: Creature or object touched
Caster Level: 2
* = Domain/Specialty Spell |